Data // Strategy

NSAC 2017 - Tai Pei

Mobile, Out-of-home, Print, Specialties

The Objective

This fully integrated marketing and retail campaign was crafted to make the Tai Pei brand and products relevant to the lives of millennial consumers by saying that frozen food is for the busy, not the lazy. The stories used highlight different individuals to show the diversity of doing. 

The Approach

The Approach

Using real people in these spots aligns Tai Pei as an authentic brand that recognizes, celebrates, and rewards the motivated millennial. The print executions mirror breakout video spots that are placed on targeted pre-roll advertisements to ensure that viewers relate to the individual stories as much as possible. 

 Full-page, color magazine ads   attract the attention of the target audience and increase brand awareness. Based on millennial readership and above-average index numbers, the print ads run in National Geographic Traveler and Game Informer. 

Full-page, color magazine ads attract the attention of the target audience and increase brand awareness. Based on millennial readership and above-average index numbers, the print ads run in National Geographic Traveler and Game Informer. 



Tai Pei finds users who are paying for Asian cuisine by monitoring keywords and related emojis, then sends a Venmo payment for the amount of a Tai Pei entrée, driving product trial. The payment shows up on the user's extended network and potentially on Venmo’s global feed, providing a newsworthy and entertaining experience from Tai Pei. 

Direct Mail

Direct Mail

Direct mail is highly targeted and likely to generate response by creating lasting impressions with the receiver. To create deeper resonance, interactive coupons give the consumer an incentive for product trial. 
